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Donnerstag, 4. September 2008

Get out of here, Stalker

Damn it, it's all a haze now ... I remember a car ... They drove me somewhere for a long time and my whole body hurt ... There was darkness ... What happened before that? I've no idea ... So confused ... Now this fat guy calls me the Marked One, probably because of the strange tattoo on my arm, and then there's this weird mission to kill some guy called Strelok on my PDA ... Is it even my PDA? Looking at Strelok's photo I'm not even sure if I knew him or not ... Damnit! It's all like a bad dream you can't wake up from! What to do? Where to go? And worst of all: who am I? OK, OK, calm down, control yourself. The first thing I'll have to do is do some jobs for this Sidorovich. He claims to have saved my life after all ... That shouldn't be too hard. I'll take a walk, calm down myself and perhaps my head will be clearer.

Well, well ... got some fresh air, saw the local wildlife ... Interestingly I seem to remember some of it already, but it's all in a haze ... Had a chance to try the local "amusement" called anomalies ... Judging by the fact that I survived I've probably come across them before, but my brain stubbornly refuses to remember ... Sidorovich is one clever bastard - he knows he can use me almost for free and that's exactly what he wants to do. Still, maybe he'll help me find this bloody Strelok fella ... He's my only connection with my past.

So, I am going on my first deep raid into the Zone. The target is the Agroprom Research Institute. I need to recover some documents belonging to a military expedition. Apart from the mission the trader gave me some information about an area to the North, on the way to the Zone's center, where the "brains boil" ... Probably more of a legend than a fact, but since there's clearly something wrong with my head I probably should take a look at it and talk to some people. You never know - maybe I've been there before ... Also the trader told me that Strelok discovered a way to get through the area and the traders want to know it. Their reasons are clear - they want to access untouched artifact fields. Well, I'm going to help them, I guess. But that's tomorrow. Tonight, I will rest with my fellow Loner rookies by the campfire and sing songs to forget the terror that is the Zone.

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