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Montag, 10. Januar 2011

Sleepy Decembre

I've been using a program called SleepChart for over a month now to record when and how much I slept. It's quite interesting, although it doesn't really serve a purpose.
The only downside of the program is that you can't export your statistics. Your save data is also stored in a binary format, so I can't easily write some code up to export it myself, so I'll just have to manually write it up. (It's probably not that interesting, but I just wanna have a small overview on how my sleeping habits are.)

1 Dec: 00:10 - 7:30 (7h 20min)
2 Dec: 00:50 - 6:30 (5h 40min)
3 Dec: 00:30 - 6:30 (6h)
4 Dec: 00:20 - 6:30 (6h 10min)
5 Dec: 00:20 - 5:30 (5h 10min)
6 Dec: 01:00 - 10:30 (9h 30min)
7 Dec: 00:45 - 7:00 (6h 15min)
8 Dec: 00:20 - 12:00 (11h 40min)
9 Dec: 00:30 - 6:30 (6h)
10 Dec: 00:30 - 6:30 (6h)
11 Dec: 01:45 - 11:00 (09h 15min)
12 Dec: 02:30 - 03:30 and 05:30 - 11:00 (totally 6h 30min)
13 Dec: 00:10 - 6:30 (6h 20min)
14 Dec: 23:45 - 6:30 (6h 45min)
15 Dec: 01:00 - 10:10 (9h 10min)
16 Dec: 01:00 - 11:00 (10h)
17 Dec: 01:00 - 5:30 (4h 30min)
18 Dec: 01:10 - 11:30 (10h 20min)
19 Dec: 02:30 - 12:30 (10h)
20 Dec: 01:45 - 10:30 (8h 45min)
21 Dec: 00:40 - 6:30 (5h 50min)
22 Dec: 01:30 - 09:30 (8h)
23 Dec: 01:15 - 09:00 (7h 45min)
24 Dec: 01:30 - 3:30 and 4:00 - 09:00 (7h)
25 Dec: 01:40 - 08:30 (6h 50min)
26 Dec: 03:00 - 11:00 (8h)
27 Dec: 3:30 - 11:00 (7h 30min)
28 Dec: 4:15 - 11:15 (7h)
29 Dec: 02:15 - 08:00 (5h 45min)
30 Dec: 02:45 - 10:00 (7h 15min)
31 Dec: 03:00 - 10:00 (7h)

Least sleeping time: 17 Dec, 4h 30min
Longest sleeping time: 8 Dec, 11h 40min
Total sleeping time / total hours in Decembre: 229.25 hours / 744 hours (= 30.8%)
Average sleeping time: 7.4 hours

Interesting. I've found out quite some time ago that my perfect sleeping time is around 7 hours. The Decembre (with its really varied sleeping times) seems to confirm that, so I'll try to stick to sleeping 7 hours daily from now on!

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